June 6-9, 2024

General Guidelines:
Competitors are responsible for reading, knowing and observing all contest guidelines.
Competitors must have a weekend pass, register and pay entry fees before the deadlines.
No competitors meetings - You must check in and be ready to dance 15 minutes before a division begins.
Good sportsmanship must be exhibited at all times.
Offensive or vulgar gestures, costumes or song lyrics are strictly prohibited.
Specific times are available for competitor floor trials.
Relative placement method will be used to determine the winners.
The HEAD JUDGE will resolve any scoring or judging disputes. Those decisions are final.
All contestants and attendees must sign a liability release and consent to unrestricted use of their photos, video and names which may appear in the event videos, websites and future promotions.
Juniors level competitors must be 18 years of age or younger.
A couples consists of one leader and one follower, no gender restrictions.
All music for choreographed routines must be on CD, MP3 player or flash drive. No cassette tapes.
You CANNOT compete at Disco America as a Professional and an Amateur. You are either one or the other.
Professional – If you teach Hustle you are considered to be a Hustle Professional. Whether you teach Hustle full-time or part-time and work in another profession you must register as a professional in all Hustle Divisions. If you compete in an Amateur Hustle Division you will be disqualified. We have a Rising Star Level for professionals in other forms of dance other than Hustle. See below.
Amateur – As an amateur, dancing is strictly a recreational activity or a competitive sport. You cannot receive financial gain for teaching or performing in any form of dance, full-time or part-time. We have a Rising Star Level for professionals in other forms of dance other than Hustle. See below.
Money can be accepted as scholarship funds and must be used to further your dance education.
Rising Star - If you are a professional, in any other form of dance (except Hustle) or a high level amateur who is thinking about turning professional.
Sophisticated – 40 years and up. Both partners must be at least 40 years old. Because this is an age requirement and not a skill level requirement you may also enter another level at your appropriate skill level if you wish.
Silver – 50 years and up. Both partners must be at least 50 years old. Because this is an age requirement and not a skill level requirement you may also enter another level at your appropriate skill level if you wish.
Just Hustle/WCS/Salsa – Enter with a partner. The contest DJ picks the music. Different skill levels are offered. The couple enters their highest qualified skill level. However they are allowed to dance UP one level and also dance in any age level either Sophisticated (40 +) or Silver (50+) if they qualify according to their age. Each skill level is a separate contest and separate fee. Couples dance in
heats. No routines, it must be lead and follow. No lifts, aerials or drops are permitted. Judges will evaluate couples based on their demonstration of good social dancing skills, timing, technique, connection, lead & follow, presentation, showmanship and skill level.
Hustle Routines/Classic or Theater Arts - Routines must consist of a minimum of 50% Hustle. Music is supplied by the competitor. Costumes are highly recommended. Routines shall be no longer the three and one half minutes (3 ½ ) and a minimum of three minutes (3).
Classic Routines allow side-by-sides, leaps, jumps and drops. During the drop one foot of both dancers must remain on the floor at all times. Leaps and jumps are allowed as long as they are not assisted by a partner. No lifts or aerials allowed.
Theater Arts Routines allow lifts, aerials, drops, dips, anything goes, etc.
Pro-Am Just Hustle/WCS/Salsa and 3 Dance – A teacher (professional) dances with their student (amateur). The contest DJ picks the music. Different skill levels are offered. The student enters their highest qualified skill level and are allowed to dance UP one level and also dance in any age level either Sophisticated (40+0 or Silver (50+) if they qualify according to their age. Each skill level is a
separate contest and separate fee. Couples dance in heats. No routines, it must be lead and follow. No lifts, aerials or drops are permitted. Judges will evaluate couples based on their demonstration of good social dancing skills, timing, technique, connection, lead and follow, presentation, showmanship and skill level.
Jack and Jill Hustle – These are “Just Hustle Competitions”. The contest DJ picks the music. Different skill levels are offered. Dancers draw for partners. Dancers enter their highest qualified skill level. However they are allowed to dance UP one level and also dance Silver if they qualify according to their age. Each skill level is a separate contest and separate fee. Couples dance in heats. No routines, must be lead and follow. No lifts, aerials or drops are permitted. Judges will
evaluate couples based on their demonstration of good social dancing skills, timing, technique, connection, lead and follow, presentation, showmanship and skill level.
Anything Goes Hustle – Enter with your partner. The contest DJ picks the music. Couples dance in heats. No rules, anything goes. Pro-Am Showcase – A teacher (professional) dances with their student (amateur). Any dance style, including Hustle. Solo routines with costumes. Routines shall be no longer the three and one half minutes (3 ½ ) and a minimum of three minutes (3).
Team Division - Any dance, including Hustle. A team is two (2) or more couples or four (4) or more single dancers.
Professional Dance Off Championships – Must be a couple. Any dance form is acceptable, including Hustle. This division is for high level professionals. Cash prizes according to the number of entries. Routines shall be no longer than three and one half minutes (3 ½ ).
Pre-Novice - This is an entry level division for students with no previous competition experience. Competitors should exhibit traditional basic figures only. Judges will be looking for good basic technique, connection, timing and confidence. Once you place first at this level at Disco America you
must move up to the Novice level. Tempos can range from 100-110 BPM
Guidelines - Quarter Turns and Half Turns only for both leaders and followers. Connection must be with either one or two hands. Both feet must be on the floor at all times. Arm styling is encouraged in its simplest form.
*No free turns or breakaway moves are allowed. A “breakaway” is set of movements executed by a couple who intentionally break contact.
*No circular moves – circle is 360 degrees.
*No blind leads – the leaders back is to the follower on the lead. Number 2 if you count +1,2,3.
*No traveling moves – a move that significantly travels over the dance floor, beyond 6 counts.
*No complex variations, elaborate patterns or syncopated foot work.
*No continuous turns.
*No rondes.
*No turns beyond ¼ and ½ turns.
Novice - This division is for students with 1-2 years total dance experience and limited competition experience. Students are expected to perform solid basics. All material should be recognizable as familiar, common “lead-able” social patterns. Once you place first at this level at Disco America you must move up to the Pre-Intermediate level. Tempos can range from 100-110 BPM
Guidelines - Pre-Novice patters plus 1 ½ turns are allowed. Breakaways are allowed. A “breakaway” is set of movements executed by a couple who intentionally break contact. Circular moves are allowed. Both feet must be on the floor at all times. Arm styling is encouraged.
*No free turns
*No blind leads – the leaders back is to the follower on the lead. Number 2 if you count +1,2,3.
*No traveling moves – a move that significantly travels over the dance floor.
*No complex variations, elaborate patterns or syncopated foot work.
*No continuous turns
*No rondes
*No turns beyond 1 ½ for either leader or follower.
Pre-Intermediate – This division is suggested for students with 2 or more years of dancing and competition experience. If you are not quite ready to advance to the Intermediate level this level will help you gain your confidence. Once you place first at this level at Disco America you must move up to the Intermediate level. Tempos can range from 100-110 BPM
Guidelines – At this level we are adding 2 ½ turns in either direction for both the leader and follower, along with extended rhythms outside of the normal 3 and 6 count, syncopated foot work, swivel action, traveling moves in a straight line only and free turns. Both feet must be on the floor for all patterns.
*No blind leads – the leaders back is to the follower on the lead. Number 2 if you count +1,2,3.
*No CIRCULAR traveling moves, e.g. Fred & Ginger, Traveling Full Cross Body Leads, Promenade
Runs, etc.
*No complex variations or elaborate patterns.
*No continuous turns
*No rondes
*No turns beyond 2 ½ for either leader or follower.
Intermediate – This division is for the dancer or competitor with 2 or more years of experience. At this level, your dancing should have good technique, arm styling and more syncopated footwork. Tempos can range from 100-115BPM.
Guidelines – This level adds blind leads, free turns and circular traveling moves. Both feet must remain on the floor at all times. Once you place first at this level at Disco America you must move up to the Pre-Advanced level.
*No complex variations, elaborate patterns.
*No continuous turns
*No rondes
*No turns beyond 2 ½ for either leader or follower.
Pre-Advanced - This division is for students with 3 or more years of dancing and competition experience. If you are not quite ready to move up to Advanced level, this level that will help you gain your confidence. Once you place first at this level at Disco America you must move up to the Advanced level. Tempos can range from 100-115 BPM
Guidelines – This level adds continuous turns beyond 2 ½ . You should be able to handle more complex patterns and syncopated foot work.
*No rondes.
Advanced - By the time you get to this level you should have extensive knowledge of patterns, technique and musicality with 4 or 5 years of dance and competition experience. Guidelines – This level adds side by sides and one foot patterns, such as rondes, etc.Tempos can range from 100-120 BPM*No lifts, dips, drops or assisted moves (moves that require your patterns support)
Competitors Responsibilities: 1. Plan ahead. Know the event schedule in advance and arrive in time to meet our contest registration deadlines. Bring appropriate competition attire. Be sure to check when you arrive for any last-minute changes to our schedule. 2. Know the rules. Read the competition guidelines carefully prior to the contest. You are responsible for following them whether you have read them or not. If you have questions, you should contact our Competition Coordinator ahead of time. 3. Turn in your music to the DJ during your scheduled floor trial or at least 30 minutes prior to your division. Music for routines must be a single track on a CD, MP3 or flash drive and clearly labeled. If you need your music’s tempo altered, started in the middle of the track or an early fade out, please have someone edit your music in advance.